Anime Title: Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress
As the world is in the middle of an industrial revolution, a monster appears that cannot be defeated unless its heart, which is protected by a layer of iron, is pierced. By infecting humans with its bite, the monster can create aggressive and undead creatures known as Kabane. On the island Hinomoto, located in the far east, people have built stations to shelter themselves from these creatures. People access the station, as well as transport wares between them, with the help of a locomotive running on steam, called Hayajiro. Ikoma, a boy who lives in the Aragane station and helps to build Hayajiro, creates his own weapon called Tsuranukizutsu in order to defeat the creatures. One day, as he waits for an opportunity to use his weapon, he meets a girl named Mumei, who is excused from the mandatory Kabane inspection. During the night, Ikoma meets Mumei again as he sees Hayajiro going out of control. The staff on the locomotive has turned into the creatures. The station, now under attack by Kabane, is the opportunity Ikoma has been looking for.
Other Name: Koutetsujou no Kabaneri; 甲鉄城のカバネリ
Author: Tetsuro Araki
Director: Ichiro Okouchi
Producer: Wit Studio
Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Shounen
Type: Series
Date Added: Feb 12, 2016
Initial Release: 2016
Duration: 24 min
Species : Kabaneri , Human (formerly)Status : AliveHair Color : Green with White
His greatest desire is to destroy the
Kabane once and for all, which began after he witnessed the death of his
beloved sister at their hands five years ago. However, he also maintains a keen
sense of justice, prioritizing the lives of others before his own survival.
After he survives being infected, he is elated at the fact that he could help
others who are bitten as well.Ikoma is a proud character who maintains
his honor in spite of adversity, which clashes with his inherent desire to help
others. It is because of this that he lives on to protect others aboard the
Koutetsujou, despite the danger his existence poses for everybody.
Species : Kabaneri , Human (formerly)Status : AliveHair Color : Brown
Although she is rather detached and even
ill-mannered towards others, she appears to take interest in Ikoma. Mumei
appears to have a soft spot for children as well. Mumei may also give a sense of terror or
eeriness when it comes to small situations that doesn't seem too important to
her, which may be a factor from her past, like when she tells the family that
it was supposedly good that they lost their dog to the Kabane, or when she
asked one of the women at the time of fix up and prayers at the Koutetsujou for
their blood like it was nothing to her, but was obviously a somewhat threat to
Species : Human Status : AliveHair Color : Red
Yukina is shown to be compassionate towards other's feeling. This is evident when she tried to hide the fact from a boy about his father's fate to protect him. At times of need she is stern and serious towards her job and uses her knowledge about koutetsujou to protect everyone.
Ayame Yomogawa
Species : Human Status : AliveHair Color : Dark Blue
Ayame is shown to have a mature and soft-spoken personality. She is shown to be quite obedient and dependent on her father, such as when she refused to board the Koutetsujou until her father has given her the signal.
As a leader, she cares deeply for her people but very passively in action and decision. However, as the story progresses, Ayame is shown to slowly step into her role as the leader of the group.
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