"Some stories are not meant for everybody"
if u never seen this one before and looking for a light story with funny moment and some comedy .. this is for you .. i enjoyed every minute of it .. 12 episode long and one session only.
Our friend Tanaka here is lazy person with no motivation what so ever ..
while he enjoy's sleeping around and doing nothing, staff happen and that what make this anime interesting.
we can call it a comedic masterpiece in its own way.The timing, the flow are gracefully adjusted to the story.
As I said it's not everyone's cup of tea, those of you who are looking for regular mainstream, this is not for you.
It does not follow any particular story line, it's somewhat of a freestyle-type anime, like random interactions of characters.
Music is very lazingly soothing, very much reflecting the true nature of the anime, the OP song is especially good.
Slice of life anime are majorly character-based hence it's an integral part which with characters like tanaka-kun(lazingly awesome), oota-kun(unexpectedly reliable)..
Tanaka-kun is Always Listless.. It seemed like an anime with no presence and no one would've cared about it.
I was wrong.
The anime is actually really good overall and people started noticing it because it was actually good. I feel this is really underrated because of the unusual synopsis and such.
What a unique series - something I've never experienced before.
Tanaka (田中)
Birthday: June 8
The main character of the manga and a textbook example of a listless guy. He goes through life constantly sighing and refraining from any tiring work, accompanied by his friend, Oota.
Oota (太田)
Birthday: July 10
Tall, serious, and not being able to leave his good friend Tanaka alone. Oota is pretty much Tanaka's caretaker, always carrying him around the school and making sure everything's fine. He is very capable and responsible, and with that, everything Tanaka needs. Tanaka often jokes that he'd "be a good wife."
Miyano (宮野)
Birthday: May 26
Tanaka's diminutive classmate, who admires him for his listless ways.
she is kanata apprentice in some sort of a way ..

Shiraishi (白石)
Birthday: September 15
The smart, beautiful looking girl in Tanaka's school that everyone seems to love. She always has a smile on her face and can put a smile on anyone's face. However, she has a big secret that no one in the school knows about.
she love's kanata in secret .

Rino Tanaka (田中 莉乃)
Tanaka-kun's sister, who loves her brother and even made him home made Valentine chocolate. Also doesn't like how close Ohta is to Tanaka. Rino is also best friends with Ohta's little sister Saya.
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