In 2012, a manga adaptation was launched in Shueisha with Yusuke Murata in pencil, following a single discussion on Twitter!
le studio a livré un délicieux one-shot de douze épisodes diffusés sur TV Tokyo et en streaming sous-titré sur ADN, bientôt rejoints par six OAVs sur Blu-Ray.
What attracts primarily in One Punch Man is humor that the series demonstrated at all levels. Absurd as we like and full of puns and references, often recalling the atmosphere of Yusha Yoshihiko.
never have time to get bored and episodes like chapters are linked very quickly one after the other. In fact scenario shows an unfailing creativity,
the real trigger is played probably in this incredible adaptation to the screen. The fighting animation is simply remarkable, at least to a level considerably above all that we can see generally in japanimation TV. It is imperative, to respect and salute the superb work of Madhouse and director "Shingo Natsume".
One punch man shirt
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One punch man shirt
---Not available in stores!---- Limited Time Offer - Time is running out!!!
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